Access Control
The ST2000 Pro and our controllers can accommodate all your access control needs including door, gate and elevator control.

Video Surveillance
Habtech integrates your CCTV with our controllers that interface with many of the leading manufacturers…

Elevator Control
Elevator control is handled by our line of EAC800 controllers which can accommodate 8 floors per controller.

Intercom, Public Address
Intercom Communications and Public Address can be fully integrated with the ST2000 Pro software through our line of ICM310 and ICC310 controllers which can interface with all popular field devices.

Guard Tour System
The ST2000 Pro software handles all of your Guard Tour needs by providing unlimited Guard Tour stations & routes, graphical indication of pending & visited stations, alarm annunciation of missed stations and full reporting capabilities.

Lighting Control
Lighting Control can be fully integrated with the ST2000 Pro software through our line of LCP600 control panels which contain GE RR Series latching relays for switching inductive or resistive lighting loads.

Alarm Management
The software combined with our controllers will manage all types of alarms including door monitoring, motion detection, duress, fire, etc.

Perimeter Intrusion Detection
Security of a facility begins beyond the perimeter. Habtech’s integrated Perimeter Intrusion Detection solutions extend the area of protection to help users detect perimeter intrusions in time for assessment and action. Habtech integrates with:

Security Integrator of the Year
SP&T News Security Integrator of the Year winner Habtech credits hard work and solid preparation for the success of the Toronto South Detention Centre project.